Saturday, November 27, 2010


I just realized the full impact of being blind or deaf. To never know what a pillow looks like. To never hear your own voice. I feel sorry for ppl like that. Which brings me to my nxt sentence. Its getting hard to hear with my left ear. But thats apparently cuz I have an infection and I have a prescription. But i only hope its temporary.

IIIIIIIII completely dif topic

What is the purpose of life? It could very well be so that this blog was made, Or that some person out in the huge world could pick his nose, so he could wipe his booger on his jacket, which is stolen, and is passed down from generation to generation so that a little kid could find his booger and add his own piece of the collection.

IIIIIIII Completely df topic

Just something to mull over, you could be missing one of your five sense and pretty much never know. I mean, maybe the dumbest person that you think you know is actually the only 'normal' person, and the rest of us are abnormal. Anything is possible. Since there is no absolute answer to anything, why do we humans even try if we can never find out if our theory is true or not. Whats 1 + 1. 2, of course. HOW do we know that? who was the first person to say that 1 + 1 was two? Is he creditable?
And who in the world was the first to make cheese? So that person just took a milky white substance from a cows udder and made it into cheese? Why would he even 'milk' a cow if he doesn't know what milk was? Was he the first to say " I'm gonna drink whatever comes out of these things when I pull them'

IIIIIIIII ( you get what this means now)

How was language invented if they had to language to say that thy invented language?

IIIIIIIII Once more, a dif topic

Why does everyone trust scientists so much? I questioned as I worked on a Social Studies project o cave art and what the meaning of these were. But In my mind, I can't help but wonder, What if all these mysterious, ominous, cave paintings, were simply drawings by children? I mean, 1000 years from now, Living on a world where the ice caps have melted, and live in floating fortresses. ONe scientist finds a paper floating around. He picks it up, and yells in astonishment. They found a child's drawing, and suddenly that is how we lived or something. lets say the picture depicts a stick figure war. Will the Scientists from the future believe that there was a huge war that split the earth or some variation from that? Or It shows a Giant squashing a tank. Will they believe that giants existed?


  1. wow, William, you are a deep thinker, philosopher... I like the questions you raised. Do you always think like this into the middle of nights?

  2. hey william...remember me...Joshua? whats eric's and jonathan's email....reply
